Robert Grossbart
Robert N. Grossbart is Baltimore born and bred. After graduating from Towson University with a B.S. in 1980, he became a Certified Public Accountant in 1984. Shortly thereafter, Robert was accepted by the University of Baltimore School of Law from which he graduated in 1986. In 1987 he was admitted to the bar of Maryland, US Tax Court, US District Court for the District of Maryland, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Robert has been practicing in Maryland for 33 years.
In 1995, Robert was voted to Baltimore Magazine Top 115 Lawyers. He was awarded the Maryland Pro Bono Service Award in 2011.
Robert is a member of the Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA); American Bar Association (ABA); Maryland Consumer Bankruptcy Bar Association; Civil Justice, Inc.; National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA); National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA) and a graduate of the Max Gardner Bankruptcy Boot Camp.
He serves on the Board of Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service.
Notable cases with favorable result
In re Raskin, Bankruptcy Court of Maryland, 505 B.R. 684 (2014)
In re Thomas, Federal District Court of Maryland AW-10-373. (2010)
In re Stine, Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals 360 F. 3d 455 (2004)